
here are some parts I made in 3D to help me in my installations on my consoles.
Please make good use of them and do not sell them without my agreement 😉.
FIles are provided in *.3mf which are compatible with majority of slicers.

HDD/SSD preparation tools

Package to make your SSD or HDD accessible without FreeMcBoot and modchip via DEV.1 (Memory Card) or on (if compatible) HDD/SSD via DEV.2

You can check these videos:

SuperPS2 Easy install origami

In this pack you will find the 3D printed parts for an easy installation of SuperPS2 with IDE Resurrector Origami. You will need to file down your PS2 case a bit to route the flex to the back of your console and drill a 2.8mm hole to screw a 3mm diameter screw into the console case. Or alternatively, drill a 3mm hole and use a nut from inside the console. The left part is designed to be screwed into the console’s existing hole.

This pack also includes a variant of the right piece to cover the SATA connector

Super Playstation 2 - Cartridge System

3D model of Super Playstation 2 – Cartridge System.
In this pack you’ll find 3D models of the parts needed to install a SATA connector on the rear of your PS2 Slim SCPH700xx equipped with an iDE to SATA converter (installation video here:
You’ll need 2 M2 screws like those holding the back plate of your PS2 Slim, and one M3x15mm screw.
Not recommended: you can also glue the 2 pieces together if you don’t have M2 screws.
For added solidity, a second model is available to accommodate M2 screw inserts.
Models for “cartridges” can be found on thingiverse, and I’m planning to make one with screws for greater strength and ease of disassembly.


This model allows you to replace your lens in your PS2 SLiM. Thanks to this model, you’ll be able to place your board’s SATA connector in the upper part (SATA-SMALL). You’ll need to remove the connector pins you don’t need (see the installation video here:
In this archive you’ll find 2 models for the upper part:

    • one requiring the use of inserts (which I recommend for greater sturdiness, see here: ) for M2 screws,

    • and another where the screws are screwed in by forcing into the plastic. Note that this model is designed for PS2 SLiM shells housing PVR802 or KHM430 lenses.

PS2 Screw/washer DVD

Allows to keep the SD card reader at the back of the motherboard, corresponds to the size to be combined with the flex cable ide resurrector. This is an “alpha” version the part is still thick, and the closure of the console is not optimal.
You can use M2 bold like these:

PS2 Slim washer hold

washer that prevents the screw from going through the motherboard when removing the back plate on PS2 SLiM. Can also be used to hold the DVD player but more difficult to hold than the nut version.
You can use M2 washer like these:

Vertical Stand package

this package include what you need to build PS2 with external Hard disk drive. It’s include vertical stand who can include an hardisk drive, and include an inclosure for hard disk and SATA connector holder for specific disoldered SATA connector from this kind of adapter :

RetroGEM adapter for SCPH900xx

Pack containing everything you need to attach the retroGEM, USB-C connector and voltage adapter (optional) in place of the power supply to your SCPH900xx.
Watch this video for more details:

USB-C PS2 Fat power supply

If you’re not using a mecanical hard drive with your console, you can simply use the 12V USB-C adapter card (see link below).

If you do want to use a mechanical hard drive, I recommend using the USB-C to 15v conversion card with a voltage regulator (second link) set to 12v to get more power and avoid putting the USB-C adapter’s at current limit.

PLEASE NOTE: I’m offering this for free to the community, I don’t provide any support for it.

Here are the components I used for this mod: